General aims in VIKO’s strategy are motivated by the idea of developing the area to be one of the most attractive tourism and adventure-offering leisure time destinations in Estonia having various services. Area has a unique scenery combining oil shell mining and diverse nature into wholesome and challenging environment.

We aim to creating more sustainable employment and new innovative services using local resources. Our goal is to develop the ability of servicing more customers in tourism sector. Area is striving towards smart energy solutions. The entrepreneurship approaches and attitudes should rise, the general knowledge and the level of specific practical skills, know-how amongst habitants in general as well as amongst young people in the area are expected to expand and develop.

In order to move towards that VIKO has prioritized fields the input should be the highest.

  • Entrepreneurship and tourism – tourism services, local food, micro-enterprises, innovation in entrepreneurship, networking, marketing, product and service design, raising quality, merging culture and sport with tourism.
  • Infrastructure – innovative planning, necessary (tourism)infrastructure, developing sustainable and renewable energy solutions.
  • Competences – developing competences of inhabitants, including and especially entrepreneurship skills starting from school, mentors for young entrepreneurs.